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Life Insurance

Life Insurance
Life Insurance

Life insurance is insurance where the insured is someone who is that person's life. Life insurance includes health and accident insurance.

The purpose of life insurance is to cover the risk of loss of wealth and assets. If someone who is the main axis of the family dies, the family left behind will not lose their source of income.


Types of Life Insurance

# Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a life insurance product that provides death compensation if the insured dies within the promised period. For example, the age of 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, or up to a certain age limit. This type of insurance has a contract that is valid for a certain period of time.

The insurance company will pay insurance benefits to the heirs if there is a risk of death during the insurance contract period. Term insurance is an option for people with high premiums with limited financial conditions. For example, you have a mortgage (KPR), car loan (KPM), or other loan.

If the insured dies when the payment has not been paid off, the remaining loan will be repaid with the proceeds of term life insurance. Term insurance premiums increase with age because the risk of death increases with age.


# Life Insurance for Life

Whole life insurance is insurance that covers your entire life up to the age of 99 years. This type of insurance aims to provide lifelong protection to the insured as long as the policy is valid by paying regular premiums.

This whole life insurance replaces death that occurs during the term of the policy. This insurance provides benefits if the recipient of the premium dies and has a cash value that can be used as loan collateral.

Whole life insurance premiums do not expire without a claim being filed. Premium holders can use the cash value of the premium paid to pay the next premium if they do not have the funds to pay the premium regularly. At the end of the contract, you will be asked to pay the full insurance premium.


# Dual Life Insurance

Endowment insurance has two benefits, namely term insurance and savings. The coverage period starts between 5 and 30 years and can end at a certain age.

Endowment life insurance premiums can be paid during the policy period or for a limited period of time. If there is an element of savings, the premium will be higher than term or whole life insurance. This type of life insurance provides tangible returns, so you can plan your child's care and prepare for retirement.

The holder of a dual-purpose life insurance policy receives benefits in the event that the insured dies. Joint life insurance policy holders can terminate the insurance contract within a certain period of time prior to the expiration of the contract term.


Unit-linked life insurance is a product that combines protection and investment functions created by a life insurance company. Unit-linked life insurance offers two benefits: equal protection of life insurance and benefits of equity participation in the form of cash value.

In addition to the coverage coverage, policyholders receive annual value-added investment income. Part of the unit-linked life insurance premium is invested in investment funds, stocks, bonds and other securities. The premium paid can be reduced or stopped as long as the cash value of the investment and development is sufficient to pay the premium. However, the benefits of unit-linked life insurance are not comparable to pure capital investments such as shares and investment funds.

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